Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Now is the time to legalise cannabis in the UK.

Now is the time to legalise cannabis in the UK. Now is the time to legalise Cannabis in the ukIn July of last year the debate on whether cannabis should be legalised was rekindled by the Home Secretary, David Blunkett. He announced the reclassification of cannabis from a class B drug to a class C which is the lowest classification for an illegal drug and puts it on par with anti-depressants and steroids.The chronology of cannabis is thought to go back to 2737 BC where it was referred to as a "superior" herb in the world's first medical text, or pharmacopoeia, Shen Nung's Pen Ts'ao, in China and in c600 BC Zend-Avesta, an Indian scripture, speaks of hemps "intoxicating resin". Others have followed and in 1788 when the New Edinburgh Dispensatory was produced they omitted many exotic remedies such as "scrapings of an elephants tooth", "dust from the walls of a wrestling school" and, as a cure for malaria, "seven bed bugs in meat and beans", though cannabis remained.The Warrien Committee 50 years celebrationIt was thought, often with no justification, as having multiple uses such as easing the pain of earache and treating jaundice, and was recommended as it "consumeth wind and drieth the seed (semen)". (John Gerard. 1597)The only controls of medicine in the United Kingdom were provided by the pharmacopoeias which set quality standards for the preparation of drugs but in 1968 the Medicines Act was produced following the Thalidomide tragedy. It gave the Government the power to license pharmaceutical companies, individual products and clinical trials and also established the Medicines Committee and the Committee on the Safety of Medicines to advise the government on its new powers. Cannabis was still listed as a prescribed drug though it was rarely prescribed except to patients that were already drug abusers, and in 1971 its licence was revoked thereby prohibiting medical...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Calculating Reading Level With the Flesch-Kincaid Scale

Calculating Reading Level With the Flesch-Kincaid Scale Are you writing at an appropriate grade level? There are several scales and calculations used to determine the readability or grade level of a piece of writing. One of the most common scales is the Flesch-Kincaid scale. You can determine the Flesch-Kincaid reading grade level of a paper you’ve written easily in Microsoft Word. There is a tool for this that you access from your menu bar. You can either calculate an entire paper, or you can highlight a section and then calculate. Steps Go to TOOLS and select OPTIONS and SPELLING GRAMMARSelect the box CHECK GRAMMAR WITH SPELLINGSelect the box SHOW READABILITY STATISTICS and select OKAYTo generate the readability statistic now, select SPELLING AND GRAMMAR from the toolbar at the top of the page. The tool will go through its recommended changes and provide readability statistics at the end You can use a formula to calculate the Flesch-Kincaid reading level on your own. This is a good tool to determine whether a book is going to challenge you Calculating Readability of Your Writing Select a few paragraphs to use as your baseCalculate the average number of words per sentence. Multiply the result by 0.39Calculate the average number of syllables in words (count and divide) Multiply the result by 11.8Add the two results togetherSubtract 15.59 The result will be a number that equates to a grade level. For example, a 6.5 is a sixth-grade reading level result.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Effect of Unions on Workers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Effect of Unions on Workers - Essay Example For example, in the United States such unions as Teachers, professional athletes (NBA and NFL unions) and United Auto Workers are successful. The successful union must ensure the members welfare is to their best of interest. The union achieve this through increased collective bargaining and speaking with one voice. The unions, therefore, provide better wages and salaries, better working conditions and other benefits. The Unions within particular professional are most likely to be successful. From example, teachers and professional athletes in US have remained successful. This is because, there can be quickly banded together as they share teething problems. In addition, the union membership is vast and hence they remain a force to reckon as the government must proactively consider before squashing them. The policies and tactics that make union successful is through active contribution to the union by members. Also, ensuring that the members adhere to the laws governing the union is central to the success of members. The unions can also use strikes and boycotts to convey their grievances to become stronger. Further, the union leadership is also key to the success of the union. The political environment is necessary to unions. The government would always try to squash the activities. Therefore, those political environments such as political party’s campaigns may make promises to union members for support (Markowitz, 2000). When such parties ascend to power, they may fulfil the promises made to union members. On the other hand, when they fail, such members may find